Final Results

Step into the future of healthcare and sport science with the final results of the groundbreaking SINTEC Project!

In this captivating video, witness the culmination of years of research and collaboration as we unveil the remarkable final device developed by the European Project SINTEC. Prepare to be amazed by the transformative potential of this cutting-edge technology. Discover how this groundbreaking device is set to revolutionize healthcare and sport science, providing unprecedented insights and capabilities. Experience the power of collaboration as we showcase the achievements of researchers, engineers, and industry partners who have pushed the boundaries of what’s possible in healthcare and sport science. Be inspired by the potential of this final device and its profound impact on the future of healthcare and sport science. Watch the video now and embark on a journey of innovation and discovery!

With the initial results and enthusiasm from all partners, the demonstration activity was very much expanded versus what was described in the proposal, both in the required hardware and applications. All partners have worked hard and in good collaboration of the last year but the delays due to different failure modes that were not perceived in the laboratory work have been significant in the preparations of the demonstrations.

Project objectives achieved:

Key highlights and achievements

Electronics hardware
Two electronic modules dedicated to SINTEC were realized and tested in the first trials, leading to further improvements in fixing bugs and in the optimization of the tools used to collect the data coming from the device. The first electronic module was within 10 mm diameter and hold low power intelligence and communication with PPG, 3 DOE accelerometer and temperature sensor. The second and final module had in addition sensing for bioimpedance and ECG, and logging of data. With the logging, the module was larger. In addition, changing firmware for the commercially available HI and SensorTile has broadened the capabilities of the SINTEC platform, since each hardware provides different sensor configurations.
A fabrication protocol was established for rigid-stretch PCB based sensor nodes with wireless electrophysiological readouts (ECG monitoring). The protocol consists of assembling components, digital patterning of liquid alloy circuitry, dielectric encapsulant and soft skin adhesive on a soft stretchable substrate. A novel implementation is the use of sports tapes in the form of skin adhesive patches ensuring the reliable adherence of reusable electronic modules to the skin even during intense sports performance. The PCB-technology was demonstrated on a large-scale A4 format. The KPI was met as manufacturing was made of an A4-sized stretchable foil with two-layers of conductors with line width of 0.1 mm, 0.2 mm via interconnects, and a pitch of 0.5 mm.
Comparison between Bluetooth and Fat-IBC
We have mainly studied body-centric communication scenarios where Fat-IBC may be superior to BLE using physical and biological (porcine) models as well as human volunteers. Our Fat-IBC antennas need further optimization in correspondence to more specific user-case scenarios. Moreover, we have improved our physical phantom fabrication methods. Two advanced phantom models representing the abdominal cavity of an average human obese model and the thorax cavity of an average human athlete model with both anthropomorphism and physical realism has been developed and used as test platform.
Data handling and communication
The IoT Gateway was concluded and the integration of sensors and the development of end-user applications in the SINTEC Dashboard. Alas, in the demonstration phase severe problems in the connectivity occurred in parallel with hardware failures of the multiuse module. With the high time press at the final stages of demonstrations, all partners have made strong efforts to finalize the demos as good as possible. The IoT Gateway has developed to such a stage that it will be possible to push it further to commercialization.
On the comparative tests
Four SINTEC electronic multiuse modules with Sensor-Tile, Morfea3, HI and MOR4 have been tested. It was concluded that the ECG and PPG signals need to be logged so that the signals can be time synchronized for estimating blood pressure (BP). The BP algorithm was improved to extract the optimal features required to predict BP in a reliable way. Evaluation of system architecture confirmed that Fat-IBC communication was better than BLE transmission in data transmission through the human body. The Morfea3 was tested and compared with gold standard and state of the art products with excellent results in stability and precision. This is most probably due to the light and tight structure with sport tape securing it tightly to the body.
Demonstrators for Sports and Clinical applications
Preparations were made for testing the user platform, body sensor and gateways in laboratory conditions and real-life settings. These preparations included preliminary testing, creating protocols, and (in the case of the clinical applications) finding a clinical partner with whom the test can be performed. However, when initiating the actual demonstrations, new failure modes in both hardware robustness and communication were apparent and the demonstrations were severely delayed. Partners have concluded that they will continue their work also after the project, as the results are very promising but the time was not sufficient.

Results beyond the state of the art

Results beyond state of the art SoA of digital manufacturing of stretchable printed wire boards for active patches and flat cables using in electrophysiological monitoring.

  1. The very low life cycle costs realised in such manufacturing
  2. The realisation of ECG monitoring in water by the use of supercooled liquid Ga micro electrode arrays.
  3. The phantoms developed for Fat-IBC laboratory tests
  4. The AI based algorithms for blood pressure monitoring
  5. The very stable and precise monitoring of steps in laboratory by the use of the ultra-small and low-power MORFEA electronic module in a smart patch.