14 January 2019 | Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

We met the Project Coordinator, Klas Hjort, during the 2nd Technical Meeting in Amsterdam and we decided to take a brief interview. Read below and watch the video!

What do you expect from 2020, and what are the main goals this year for SINTEC?

Klas Hjort:  So, I’m going into this year with great enthusiasm. I expect that we will be able to create new sensor patches with these novel multisensory modules from ST Microelectronics. Also, we will create this novel industrialised PCB technology, digitalised by Mycronic’s technology. We will, from benchmarking and laboratory tests, better understand pros and cons with our technology compared to the state of the art, and then I’m especially curious about the fat channel intrabody communication and the electrophysiological sensor patches.

Otherwise, at the end of the year we will see a novel IoT gateway and we will get the first results on user habits. It will be a challenging year, but it will be fun and we will make it together!